Bye bye Etsy Hello Artfire!
I was sitting down for my lunch as I grabbed my phone to check my email as I do several hundred times a
day... no joke here people lol! My world came crashing down as I read the email from Etsy saying that my
shop was being closed due to copyright infringement. I was so crushed. I could not belive what I worked so
hard to build up was now gone. All my 2000 positive feedback/ testimonials gone!I was left with no
reputation. All my pics I worked so hard taking and editing gone! Luckly I have most the pics I took on my
computer. Thank gosh for that huh! All my descriptions and tags I worked on all gone. The many thousands
hours and dollard I spent on building my Etsy shop all gone! My income was gone and christams less than 10
days away! I was left with so much pain and sadness. I though my shop was mine. I was no ignoreant. I did
not own my shop. Etsy did. Etsy owns everyshop and can do with your shop what they want. Imidiatly I
attempted contacting Etsy. Unfortunatly they dont have a customer care line that you can talk with them by
phone. I had to email them instead and wait for a responce. So that is what I did... wait.. and wait... and wait
while I woke up every morning to a sick ffeeling in my stomach. I felt like I was weaking up to a nightmatre
every night not the sales I locved to se on my email every morning. Finnaly after 6 days of waiting they sent
me a responce. It was a generic copt and paste
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