
Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Bye bye Etsy Hello Artfire! I was sitting down for my lunch as I grabbed my phone to check my email as I do several hundred times a day... no joke here people lol! My world came crashing down as I read the email from Etsy saying that my shop was being closed due to copyright infringement. I was so crushed. I could not belive what I worked so hard to build up was now gone. All my 2000 positive feedback/ testimonials gone!I was left with no reputation. All my pics I worked so hard taking and editing gone! Luckly I have most the pics I took on my computer. Thank gosh for that huh! All my descriptions and tags I worked on all gone. The many thousands hours and dollard I spent on building my Etsy shop all gone! My income was gone and christams less than 10 days away! I was left with so much pain and sadness. I though my shop was mine. I was no ignoreant. I did not own my shop. Etsy did. Etsy owns everyshop and can do with your shop what they want. Imidiatly I attempted contacting Etsy. Unfortunatly they dont have a customer care line that you can talk with them by phone. I had to email them instead and wait for a responce. So that is what I did... wait.. and wait... and wait while I woke up every morning to a sick ffeeling in my stomach. I felt like I was weaking up to a nightmatre every night not the sales I locved to se on my email every morning. Finnaly after 6 days of waiting they sent me a responce. It was a generic copt and paste

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I’m so sorry about the closure of your Etsy shop. I can only imagine how frustrated you were upon reading their e-mail and as you wait for their late response. Anyway, it’s time to start anew, Shelley. Don’t let those failures stop you from continuing the business that you started. Good thing you found ArtFire, and I wish you’ll be able to gain your credibility again in that new avenue for your shop. All the best to you!

    Clint Shaff @ Franchise Match
